Thursday 19 November 2009

Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable fashion, also called eco fashion, is a part of the growing design philosophy and trend of sustainability, the goal of which is to create a system which can be supported indefinitely in terms of environmentalism and social responsibility. Sustainable fashion is part of the larger trend of sustainable design where a product is created and produced with consideration to the environmental and social impact it may have throughout its total life span, including its "carbon footprint". According to the May 2007 Vogue appears not to be a short-term trend but one could last multiple seasons.[1] While environmentalism used manifest itself in the fashion world through a donation of percentage of sales of a product to a charitable cause, fashion designers are now re-introducing eco-conscious methods at the source through the use of environmentally friendly materials and socially responsible methods of production.
According to Earth Pledge, a non-profit organization (NPO) committed to promoting and supporting sustainable development, "At least 8,000 chemicals are used to turn raw materials into textiles and 25% of the world's pesticides are used to grow non-organic cotton. This causes irreversible damage to people and the environment, and still two thirds of a garment's carbon footprint will occur after it is purchased." [2]

Small is Powerful

Here is an article written by Holly on, we feel inspired by most of the content on her blog, this piece of writing particularly.

Click here to read it.

FRANK Workshop

Today we have been working to organise the promotion and marketing of our soon to be finished FRANK WEBSHOP. We've been drinking copious amounts of coffee and brainstorming our collective minds to come up with a plan for the launch party....keep December 10th free in your calendar!

Wednesday 18 November 2009


We're shooting the products for the FRANK webshop and have a live feed from the studio.
We keep warning the model to hide when she is changing outfits, but there are sure to be some funny moments on there! hehe.
The funniest fact is that no-one told us they were live feeding the studio for the first 2 hours and right now Annica has been told there is also sound, she's having a freakout that she's been making comments about some of the clothes she doesn't like and not realising it was being broadcast all over the world!!!! hahaha
Click here to watch us, (you stalkers!)

Thursday 5 November 2009

Frank Coverage -from a while back

Hållbar designgrupp i Malmö

Av Johanna Stål 

Det är dax att ta tåget till Malmö. Sex Malmöbaserade kvinnliga designers har bildat designgruppen FRANK fashiongroup. De står tillsammans för hållbar och unik design.
Alla sex designermärken har länge låtit miljövänliga material vara en självklarhet i kollektionerna. Nu har de tagit steget som en enad grupp. Förutom ekologiska material har FRANK fashiongroup låtit handel så som fairtrade och lokala producenter vara grundlägggande förutsättningar för deras kreationer.
FRANK består av 7 kvinnliga medlemmar som onsdagen den 4 februari inviger sitt samarbete under namnet FRANK fashiongroup i Gamla Västers lokaler på Norra Vallgatan 64B i Malmö. Klockan 20.00 öppnar FRANK med en modevisning, mingel och möjlighet att träffa grundarna; Righteous Fashion, Vestdesign, NINII, Ekawear, VEST design, Little green story och
De kommer under det närmsta halvåret husera på samma adress. Här kommer deras gemensamma Showroom finnas och en butik kommer att vara öppen en söndag i månaden.

Click here to see the article on the Camino Magazine Site